Has This World Gone Wonky?
Last night at work, Bobbe had eTalk daily on the TV. I kept passing by from time to time, waiting for jeopardy to come on, so I could take a break. At one point, Johnny Depp came on and was talking about how shocked he was with the success of POTC, and how he was amazed that everyone liked Jack Sparrow so much. Right after, eTalk said "What are Johnny's thoughts about portraying the king of candy?" I froze. How could anyone try to outdo Gene Wilder? He was the master of chocolatey mayhem. Depp did in fact admit that he was going to be playing the role by saying Gene Wilder was perfect, so that he "would" have to steer far away from Wilder's role, as not to copy him. Am I supposed to prepare for Oompa Loompas who are sugar junkies, and a Wonka who is dark and mysterious? All I know, is that there had better be some goddamn Wonka songs!!!