The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Lord I'm Like A Weasel In A Bottle!
Published on March 15, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Life Journals
Well, it seems that I've been nominated for an award that I didn't know existed. I don't know how I was nominated or who nominated me, but I guess I should give thanks to where it is due. Normally, I'm a very competitive person, but since I have no idea what this is all about, I don't really care that much. I've noticed that there are a lot of repititions amongst the nominations, and feel like there should have been more outrageous categories to include other bloggers, like "Best Subtitle Writer" or "Best Rant." Maybe even some awards for best articles under each category. "Biggest Contribution to the Joeuser Music Universe" or something. I found out that I'm up for "Most Mysterious Blogger." I don't know how I should feel, so I'm just going to go with proud, because I like a little mystery. I don't know if I should win, but if the vote was based on mysterious name......then I'd give a rat's ass.
on Mar 15, 2004
Hey. Actually, I think I was the responsible one. When I scrolled down to the title "Most Mysterious Blogger" I entered your name with a little blurb saying something along the lines of "he blogged like crazy and the next thing you know *poof* he's gone. Where the hell did he go?" Somewhere between nomination time and now, you told of your little windowsXP virusy thingy, and now you're blogging like crazy again.

I got nominated too, in the "Most Sensuous Blogger" category. I didn't see that one coming, either.

Anyway, it's just for kicks. Contact GemCityJoe for future nominating categories. I like your 'best subtitle writer' one immensely.

Best of Luck! hehehe.
on Mar 15, 2004
Best of Luck to you too NickyG!