The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
And Shannon Elizabeth Is A Whore!
Published on March 30, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Movies & TV & Books
Every since I posted the infamous Al Pacino-Shannon Elizabeth seperation question, I've found myself with a state of "Connector's Block." Normally, this one gives me trouble but I seem to get through it in about 5 or 10 minutes. Last night, however, after 20 minutes of pondering I was left with nothing more than an incomplete Jim Carrey-Eugene Levy link.

I had a feeling that Catherine Keener was the key to the link, but I still didn't have all the steps. Tonight, my heachache came to a brilliant end. I started thinking about every movie I had ever seen with Keener, and all of a sudden it hit me.

ROUNDERS!!!!! That was the bridge!!!!!!!

I had already gone over Being John Malkovich in my head, but hadn't thought of Malkovich himself. Instead, I had to wait until I thought of Adaptation, where she has a cameo. She was on the set of BJM!!!!!! I ended up dumping Keener in favor of Scarecrow, the movie on Moviepix that I kept seeing ads for but never wanted to watch.

Then it was a flash!! An instant in time where the animated timeline in my head was electrified as I saw Shannon Elizabeth's face flash, and the linking begin. When I finish the link I like to put it all in perspective in a cheesy, CBS highlight reel.

The link I eventually made was:
Shannon Elizabeth
(Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back)
Matt Damon
John Malkovich
(Empire of the Sun)
Ben Stiller
(The Royal Tenenbaums)
Gene Hackman
Al Pacino

on Mar 30, 2004
I'll bet you anything Steve Buscemi would have helped you. He's in everything.