The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Published on March 31, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Life Journals
Last night at around 1am, I spent 25 minutes writing a stream of concious article. It was about how crappy my day was, and also included some of my opinions on what was happening in my city. I submitted the article only to be shown a "504 Gateway Timeout." I figured Joeuser was acting up again. It's happened to me so many times, that I decided to just go back to my article, copy it and then submit it later. But Fuck no. I go back and I get a "Site does not exist." page. Not only do I lose 3 pages of writing, which I was quite pleased with, but I also have absolutely no chance of recreating it. I know Joeuser is undertaking some changes that will improve our daily blogging life, but so far there seem to be more upsets than joys.
on Mar 31, 2004
Good luck to you, Phantom!!!!

Sickness, huh?

on Mar 31, 2004
on Mar 31, 2004

Classy way to approach it.

We had server issues up until 8:30am (and then a couple glitches in the day) that were beyond our control. We had people working on it through the night.  I am sure that they will be happy to know that their hard work is appreciated.

on Mar 31, 2004
I've noticed that bad things tend to happen when I'm in a bad mood. Still though, that's happened to me, and it really is aggravating. Be sure to copy all the text before you press submit. That way, if it doesn't work, you could try it again, and if it keeps not working, save it to a file for later submitting.
on Mar 31, 2004
Don't you people write it in microsoft word first? Come on...where's the common sense?
It even says that that would be wise when you go to the "create new article" page. geez

on Mar 31, 2004
Break it down Justin Timberlake...

Cry me a river

on Mar 31, 2004
KarmaGirl, the only reason that I put a nasty title, was that I figured I'd get an answer a lot quicker. It seems to have worked.

Trin, some of us might not need to depend on spell check as often as others.
on Mar 31, 2004
lol, good comeback.

on Mar 31, 2004
"Don't you people write it in microsoft word first? Come on...where's the common sense?"

I write mine in Microsoft Word. First, because it catches simple spelling errors that are simply the result of carelessness, and second because it means I never lose my work. Better safe than sorry.

on Mar 31, 2004

We actually did have server maint. announcements on msot of our other sites but not here. I can understand frustration though. Believe me, I've felt it a lot too.

So I offer you a full refund of what you've paid us for your blog.

on Mar 31, 2004
a full refund? hmmm... whatever will I do with all that money?
on Mar 31, 2004
You cant refund the poor lad's heart and soul Brad... I know you are the devil, and you have plenty to spare... but it defeats the purpose...

on Mar 31, 2004

Reply #7 By: Phantom of the Night - 3/31/2004 8:04:48 PM
KarmaGirl, the only reason that I put a nasty title, was that I figured I'd get an answer a lot quicker. It seems to have worked.

If I had a dollar for everyone who ever used that as a "clever" reason trying not to sound like a prat after the fact........

But, what is the excuse for the contents