The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
All Right
Published on April 15, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Life Journals
Tonight I am going to the theatre with Shane. We've decided to go see the school play, and make a few pick-ups throughout our journey. This will be the first time that I set foot inside Leaside since I finished school. The closest that I've come to the school since my departure was driving down Eglinton, and passing the north driveway. I'll probably see a bunch of people I don't care about, but hopefully there will be the odd happy point. Maybe I'll see Kevin or Duane. It will be nice to see a play, and have absolutely nothing to do with it, but there's also a chance that Shane will want to hang out backstage, thereby ruining our chance of actually "seeing" the play. Mind you, every Leaside play I have ever seen has been from behind the curtain, so maybe I should keep up with the tradition. Who knows? We'll see where the wind takes us! I just hope I remember to stick a tape in for The Apprentice. If I don't blog until Sunday, that might be because I don't want to find out who wins.
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