The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Ruin My Show
Published on April 16, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Life Journals
Well, last night I went to see the play, which turned out to be Picasso au lapin agile(?) by Steve Martin, and it was absolutely excellent. Good mindmessing play. I got home eventually and watched my Survivor, and decided to watch a bit of The Apprentice because there was nothing on. I watched a bit of it, but decided to stop so that Tink and I could watch it together when she got back. Yet, I had this ominous feeling that I was going to find out who won, the next day. I woke up this morning and carefully read through the Entertainment section to check the ratings on the latest movies, but still had a bad feeling that hotmail was going to screw me over. I just knew that the damn picture of the winner would be shown, and sadly, he was. So now I know who won. Shit. Knew it was going to happen, but still tried anyways. I hope something good is on TV tonight because I might have to watch the rest of it.
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