The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Its been a few months since my last Matrix binge, but like the non-stop Blair Witch cycle, it is time, once again, for a little more Neo in my life. Strangely enough, this desire wasn't ignited with the DVD release of Revolutions, but with my random choice of a CD. Sometimes I just like to choose a CD at random, put it on, and see how long it takes before I guess which CD it is. This one (Reloaded) was a no brainer, since it included the opening credits. I started getting into a Matrix mood as the opening titles, flew through my head. I started paying attention to the music and not the TV, when Teahouse came on. That would be the drums thumping when Neo fights Seraph. It wasn't until I got to Burly Brawl, that I knew I was screwed. Everytime. It's as if this was the song that played, when I danced with that gorgeous love of my life, in that exotic country, feelings. It moves me everytime. Not to tears. More to a, I wish I was out doing something to this song. When I first saw Reloaded, I went out and bought the CD, no less than 15 minutes after the viewing. Just as I did with the first film. I didn't buy it after I watched the third one, because I walked around for 2 hours downtown thinking, "It's actually over. No more new Neo."

The First Matrix Picture I Ever Saved, Printed, Wallpapered, And Took To School
My Dream Halloween Costume.                                           Who am I kidding? I'd fuckin where that everyday!!!!!!

Anyways, Burly Brawl has gotten me fixated on the Matrix again. I've already downloaded 2 copies of Reloaded, and about 30 little films that range from TV parodies like Sex in the City and the MTV Movie Awards, to amateur stuff involving the south park characters and Forrest Gump. I even downloaded the damn Nissan commercial because it had Rob Dougan's "Clubbed to Death" in it. I also have the Toyota Matrix commercial, but I also loved that commercial when I saw it in theatres.

I currently have 19 more copies of the 3 matrix films in download. I've also watched The Animatrix twice, the original 4 times, and the second half of Reloaded 5 times. I'd watch the first, but it was poorly done, and Burly Brawl is jumbled. It doesn't even have him doing the running in a circle on the pipe thing. THATS THE BEST PART! Mmmmm. That other part was damn good, and the look on the Smiths faces after he flies away, always makes me laugh. Shit. Now i need to watch the crappy first part.

This mood comes and goes, and it will probably stay with me until that damned DVD trilogy comes out. That's what I'm waiting for! That damn trilogy is also postponing my right to own a DVD player. As soon as I heard about the two new Matrix films, that's when I made myself that promise. So far I'm holing up. I own a TV that doesn't work with a DVD player, so needless to say, I'm not in a rush.

Good Lord. It sometimes worries me how much I think about those movies. Constanly I say the many lines of Matricity such as,
"Show me."
"Ignorance is Bliss."
"Then again, if we never take time, then how can we ever have time."
"Not too bright."
"You could have just asked."
"It's like wiping my ass with silk."
and the overly quoted yet never fundamentally used,
"Take a look at his Neuro-kinetics!"
Or anything by the Maro

I could go on, and if you asked me, I probably would. But frankly, my real fascination with the Matrix is with what happens in between the fighting. "It's the question that drives us..."

"How good would Neo be at breakdancing?"
"Does Trinity need to wear a bra or does she just soften her fall?" The movie cover tells us one thing, but I want the truth.
"Do the members of the Nebuchadnezzar ever upload into the matrix in Dockers? I would assume that you would want to blend in and not attract attention to yourself. Full leather suits are not the way to go. Not only would you be sweaty as hell from the fighting, but almost half of the world wears those damn Khaki things."
"Was the keymaker a sultry radio host in a prior matrix?"
"Does Neo help train the other crew members in the Dojo? If so, why can't we see this?"

So many useless thoughts, yet they fascinate me to no end. Did anyone else try to memorize the Architect's speech? Did anyone else instantly recognize the Architects wall of windows from the first matrix? I mean instantly? Did anyone else run home after seeing the first one to submit the word "Steak" to the official Matrix site? Has anyone got a copy of Mouse's picture on their wall? I did. I do. I would have taken the red pill. I would have eaten the bowl of snot. If only I could be Neo. Fly like him, fight like him, bend my spoons back into shape like him. Yes it's weird to idolize a fictional character, but maybe it's a step up from idolizing a dead person. At least this fictional character can evolve on a relative level with me, as opposed to just looking into the past.

Ah well. Ignorance is bliss. Time for highlights.

The Matrix

Dodge This
Neo's Poker Face
I told you never to phone me at work

The Matrix Reloaded

Silk Ass Man
Neo Tries Out For The Zion's Gymnastics Team
Why doesn't this work for me?
Like a needle in a haystack
Damned Aphids

The Matrix Revolutions

Ooooo Pointy
Capitol City. YEAH!!!!
The Light!!!!! It has blinded me!!!! Oh wait!
Grrrrrrrrrrr. Bad dog! Bad dog!

on Apr 20, 2004
"Does Neo help train the other crew members in the Dojo? If so, why can't we see this?"

What other crew members would you like to see him take on. It'd be interesting to see him go up against Trinity.

bend my spoons back into shape like him.

My daughter constantly psychs herself up by saying 'there is no spoon.' Funny, from a six year old.

I really got into the Matrix. I've seen it over a thousand times, I'm guessing. We got the dvd of reloaded and have already rented revolutions six times, from blockbuster, no less. I identify with your interest.

on Apr 21, 2004
That is one cute kid.

As for the dojo thing, I just wonder if he ever has to practice, and ends up taking the entire crew on, or if he helps them by letting them take target practice.
on Apr 24, 2004

The Matrix Online is coming out soon. Prepare to upload.