The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
And I'm Not Afraid To Use It!
Published on April 24, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Life Journals
Well, everyone is pretty much officially back. I finally got to see Adam, and we went out to play pool. When we were at the pool hall we saw Shane and his friend Adam. It was sort of like Shane and I decided that this was "Play pool with an Adam night." I got to play a little sniper scope 2 at Coronations, which was a lot crappier than the original.

We went back to his place, and watched Driven. We both knew it was crap, but Adam's house has an excellent surround sound system, so we figured that the F-1 cars would sound awesome.

They didn't. So we trudged through as people came home, and people went to bed. I still found joy in the movie through laughing at terrible acting, terrible dialogue (Sly scripted in case you didn't know), and looking for Toronto landmarks. I told Adam tonight that Sylvester Stallone could play Jesus, and the fact that he co-wrote and directed "Staying Alive,"will still be the weirdest thing about Sly. Fuckin Rambo directed Disco!!! Rocky got down with the Bee Gees! That's messed up.

In the next few days, there will be periods of non-blogging, and periods where it will seem like I never shut up.

Should be an interesting time.

Oh, remember way back in the day where I posted all of those movies that I was going to review? Well, I'm not. The only ones that I feel I can review, because there still fresh in the mind are: Dawn of the Dead, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and 2 more films that I saw in the last 2 days.

"Bang Bang"

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