The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
In Glove Form!
Published on May 8, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Life Journals
As a reward for my first week of making the money, I took Tink out to dinner. We ate at Mandarin until we were stuffed past the point of full. I also decided to buy myself a useless toy, because I hadn't done that in a long, long time. My choices were the Spiderman webshooter, a lightsaber, the Batman utility belt, and a pair of Batman gloves that are motion activated. The webshooter was too expensive, they didn't have a lightsaber I wanted, and the belt was too small for me, so I bought the gloves. They're a little small, and go crazy when it's windy, but nevertheless, they are excellent in a "useless" sense. Tink thinks that they should become my party gloves, and oddly enough, I fear they will. Ah well, they'll go well with the utility belt that I'm buying next week.

I wish I had the plastic nipple chest as well.
It says it has 10 different sayings but so far it will only say, "I'm batman." "Take this" followed by many punching sounds, and "You can't beat Batman." followed my more punching. If I press the button really quickly, "Batman yells out "I Take You, I Take You, I Take You!"

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