The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
TTC I Still Love You
Published on December 10, 2003 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
Well, after staying home for two days, I finally went to see a doctor. I was afraid that my pneumonia might have returned. At 18, I’ve already gotten pneumonia 3 times. Once you get it, it makes you more susceptible each time. Damn March Break and it’s wonderful 7 Day High!!!!!! I slept in until noon to provide ample time before my appointment at 2, but after installing a supposed Strip Poker game, which turned out to be Delta Force: Task Force Dagger, which sucked, and beginning my download of A Clockwork Orange, I found myself leaving at 1:20pm. Now it takes about an hour to get there (Yonge and Eglinton) by subway, so I chose to take a cab. By 1:40 I found myself still standing at the corner of Woodbine and Cosburn, after passing up a Cabbie Van, which just looked a little disturbing. Then, as I was giving up hope, the 87 Cosburn pulled up right beside me. I hopped on thinking cabs would be easier to find over near Donlands, but when I got off, the 56 was just starting down the block. My watch said 1:45, so I took my chances. The entire way to Yegglinton (that’s Yonge and Eglinton for those of you who live outside the Delta), I found myself cursing every passenger who either, tried to scam the driver, making me wait longer, or stopped the bus right before a red light. I spent the rest of my time criticizing traffic lights, thinking God must have it out for me!

But as I turned onto Eglinton, GREEN LIGHT! GREEN LIGHT! GREEN LIGHT! As a 54 Leslie picked up all the necessary passengers in front of us, I started getting my hopes up. “If only I can get to Yonge, then I can run or wait for the 97.” As luck would have it, thanks to rush hour, if that’s possible at 2pm, the 97 was just turning onto Yonge as I got off the bus. I was going to make it! I rode my two stops north and arrived only 5 minutes late.

I then found out that, I no longer need to smoke pot. All I have to do is breath deeply for a few minutes, while someone puts a very cold stethoscope on my back. Ah sweet lightheadedness! How I am addicted!

After, I decided to stop in at Future Shop and HMV to finalize my Christmas list, after chowin down on a smog dog. My list, which was originally 11 things, is now 27! But, the Christmas spirit is now upon me, I bought my first present for my friend Shane! Nice and cheap but tacky nonetheless. To cap off this magical day, I ran into Dave Earl outside the subway, and finally found out where the hell Pembrooke is! He told me he’s getting all 90's and his favourite classes are the ones where you learn how to use a mouse, and his 9-day white water rafting class. Bastard!

As a weird note, I found that I was standing next to Hillary on the platform for about 3 minutes and didn’t know it.
on Aug 06, 2005
poker party