The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Somebody turned out the lights
Published on December 10, 2003 By Phantom of the Night In PC Gaming
I have finally done it! Ever since I fixed the update patch on my Half Life: Opposing Force, I have been staying up til around 3 every night killing endless hordes of mutant freaks. Oh but staying up all night wasn’t good enough for me, I still thought about how I was going to kill that mofo behind the crate, or how to get the hell out of that goddamn room before the radioactive ooze swallowed me up. But now, my journey is over. I have free time again. Or so I thought. (Watch out! Here comes the ending to a killer plot.) After destroying the huge bug-like creature, which was actually easier than I expected, I was either teleported, or passed out and was carried aboard the helicopter I rode at the beginning of the game. I was then told that I was being kidnapped, to cover up the alien incident, by the aliens themselves. As we travel along, the environment keeps changing in the window, from the rocky Black Mesa site, to the alien floating-rock world, to deep space, full of portals. The G-man tells me that instead of me talking to everyone about what has happened. I am “to be put where I can do no harm, and where no harm can be done to me.” He then walks through a portal at the cockpit door of the helicopter, and everything goes black. A short list of credits appear, and I am left standing in the darkness, unable to do anything but jump, with the constant hum of the helicopter deafening my ears.

5 minutes later, I started playing Half Life to find out what happened to Gordon Freeman. That should keep me busy for a few days. Then I can return to Counter-Strike, which I suck at, and Richochet, with its sweet, sweet Futuristic Battling!

I need a life.
on Dec 12, 2003
Communication with real people is, believe it or not, a healthy thing.
