The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
and now my world is upside down.
Published on December 11, 2003 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
7 goddamn months!!!! I’ve been letting my hair grow for 7 bloody months, as a pact with my best friend. He was at my present stage when I began, so he was always “ahead” of me. MWA HA HA HA HA! BUCK BUCK BUCK! Well he showed up at my house to pick me up for some pool at our pool hall, which I will not divulge because I am happy with it’s current lack of crowds. (I hate waiting in line for a goddamn pool table.) Well he shows up and I don’t even make a double-take. I just stared blankly, like a deer into the oncoming headlights of a recently trimmed mac truck. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Not only is MY hair longer than Adam’s, but so is Sean’s. Apparently he cut it cause the ladies like it trimmed, except that he know looks 3 years younger and won’t be able to buy the booze to get the women into bed. Cause how else is it gonna happen?

All I know, is that if the Wizard of Oz was here, I’d make him give you a brain. Why, oh, Why?

Well despite the traumatic events of the day, I was still able to hold my own at pool. I am the worst pool player out of the three of us, but I was still able to make some tough shots and win a few games, even with looking through my shag. Bastard! My ability seems to be lazy, because by the fourth game, I was back to my terrible nature of missing shots, and yelling “Penis!” or the good old reliable “Steeeeeeve Perry!” Tonight, penis worked quite well. Adam also cracked up for about 15 minutes after remembering the oh so classic “You’re balls are showing.” Since I don’t know HTML yet, copy and paste for a listen. The sad part, is that I already had that sound , and only that sound, bookmarked, and saved as offline content for no apparent reason.


As an odd note, I think I might have discovered my theme song yesterday. It’s a beatles song, I don’t know which one. The lyrics start off “Woke up, got out of bed. Pulled a comb across my head.”
on Dec 12, 2003
Fascinating. The question is, what did you learn from your experience?

on Dec 12, 2003
That song actually says: "Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head"
It's called "A Day in the Life"