The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Published on December 31, 2003 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
First off, The Frying Egg Circus is gold! Pure unadulterated gold! I swear that if you see it, as you are walking out, you will no doubt find yourself saying: “Wasn’t that.....Amazing?”

Post- Christmas is a fun time! No rules! Tons of fun things to play with! Absolute Freedom! So far my post Christmas time has been par, no maybe an albatross.....well it’s an eagle at least. Aside from going Boxing Day shopping for the first time ever(!!!!!!), where I found my sweet ass deal of the year at HMV, by buying Dark Side of the Moon for 15 bucks, I get the best of Steppenwolf for free! Could it be any more sweeter! Maybe, because instead of $64.99, I found Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy for $34.99 at Gamerama! I now begin my slow and inevitable path towards the dark side. Side note: I’m already the only jedi student who has mastered the Death Grip! I just never get tired of grabbing people and shaking them like rag-dolls in the air, then smashing them into walls and the ceiling before impaling them on my custom built saber. I also bought a game called Iron Force, it’s some WWII first-person shooter that looks alright, but it was 3 bucks at Business Depot. If it satisfies me for 10 minutes it was worth every penny.

I also spent a lot of X-mas time driving around getting better acquainted with a little friend called the handbrake. Two nights ago, I spent 45 minutes spinning around the Home Depot, puddle-filled, parking lot with Adam and Sean. One thing worth noting though: when we were heading back from making asses of ourselves at the recently finished skate park, Sean requested one more spin, at which point a cover of Paranoid came on Q107. Being a fan of the Sabbath, I obviously agreed. As I’m rocking out to this non-sabbath-but-still-alright version I begin my approach. Just as I pull the handbrake, I notice that the puddle I’m about to go through is actually a backed up sewer, and the water that I wish to playfully slide through, is actually concealing a deadly, metal sewer drain. For the Amish that are obviously not reading, Wet tires + metal = no control. Alas, the turn has begun and we hit it, sending us into a gentle bump in the air with the two front tires trailing along on the ground. Nothing special, except that one of the lighting fixtures, those giant cement poles, is coming awfully close to us. I quickly think to slam the car into reverse to lock the front tires, then hit drive to try and slingshot our bump forward. That would be a good idea, if only this whole thing took longer than half a second. The back of the car lands in a nice bounce, thank you suspension, with my foot on the brake. As we catch our breath, we slowly realize what’s playing in the back ground. “OOOHHoooohhOOHH The sweetest thing.” If you’ve ever been in a car where someone has slammed on the brakes as hard as they could, imagine that, but without any skidding. All I remember is “Pulling handbrake.....SEWER!!!!......THUNK!.....Is that U2?” Some say that it was a sign from God himself, and that only He could put such song on after an event, such as that, others say it was Adam’s hand smashing into the radio. The jury’s still out. All I that handbrakes are really fun!

Also, Sean pointed out to us, once we switched the radio station back, that the cover was done by MedaDeth.
on Dec 31, 2003
Wooo...glad I wasn't riding along. GCJ