The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
1:25am. up since 7am with 3 hours of sleep
Published on December 13, 2003 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
After sleeping in all week, I realized that eventually I would have to go back to school. Seeing as how today was a short day, I figured it wouldn't be so bad, then i woke up. I’ve been meaning to make a few entries in the last while, but found myself too tired to go downstairs and turn on the computer. So firstly, I am in absolute awe (check out that alliteration) at how quickly it took to see a response to my blog. MY BLOG! Who would have ever thought someone would read it. Well, you’ve made an old jazz man happy! So now we come to the half-thoughts that passed through my head in the past day, that I just need to get out of my system.

What is the deal with showers! Have we not developed technology or attained a high enough level of engineering so that my back does not have to be freezing while my stomach is toasty warm and vice-versa. Would it be so hard if showers came with two nozzles? One at either end? You can cut back on the water pressure to make up for the other one if needed, just let me be warm all over! This is especially frustrating in my house, since the window needs to be open to allow the steam to escape or else it will begin something bad to the bathroom, or so I’m told.
on Dec 13, 2003
On the other hand, I can't think of anybody offhand who enjoys having their eyes constantly baraged by any liquid, much less a hard stream of water. But if you stand just far enough back, water will run over your shoulders and keep your front warm too. Try it out, it works:)
