The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Can I just say something?
Published on December 11, 2003 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
Well finally, I find myself typing in my blog. I now know the trials and tribulations of using a precreated blog. Although joeuser is a fine site, and it's only subpar in my opinion because i don't know html, i still hate this site. How come when it's late at night and I want to write a short review of The Directors: Cameron Crowe, I CANT GET ON THE GODDAMN SITE!!! Well looks like the storm has passed, and now i can review. uhhhh, what was that line? FUCK! Well it was good, but it wasn't what I thought it would be. I was hoping for some insight into the little gems he hides in his movies, such as the treasure chest of Vanilla Sky, and the Dark Side cover in Almost Famous, which was brought to my attention by Tink. Instead I find myself watching a 7 minute long speech, where he repeats himself endlessly, saying that he loves the daily heroes of life. (I also find that there's a subtle and definetely creepy resemblance to Timo.) It was nice to learn a few tidbits, for instance, Almost Famous brought his sister and mother together again through reflection, and I realized that Tom Cruise is the goddamn King of Hollywood!

Well I ended up staying home again today, despite telling everyone I would be back, and was woken up by none other than one of my teachers. Ms. Houston actually phoned my house to see where I was! Awww, how considerate! Except that she woke me up!!! That's not so bad, I needed to catch up on everyone elses blogs and reinforce that no matter how hard I try, my Kung-Fu will never be that good!
on Dec 11, 2003
yea if i missed school the teacher wouldn't call, the principal would call my mom at work and say," Do you know your son isn't at school today?" and if i wasn't sick she would kick my butt!! at least the teacher had the common curtousy not to get you in trouble, but yea it sucks being woken up!
on Dec 12, 2003
I like JoeUser. But I hate when I can't get on so I feel your pain.
