The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Damn McDonald Racists!
Published on December 10, 2003 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
I'm not sure whether to embrace the blog or to feel like a wuss. The main reason for this blog was fueled by a much better blog. Not only must I type with this shadow cast over me, but now I am being forced to compete with other blogs. I have not even entered my first...uhhh....entry, and I am already ranked 1493 in the world. ranked in what? I don’t know. All I know, is that school will be over in February and I am going to be mighty bored. And who better to endure my boredom, but the bored themselves. Our name is Legion, for we are many! And thus we begin the quoting. Get used to it! Its going to be around for a long time. Not that most would return after I've already mentioned tederick......But that's not important. What is important, is what has happened in the last few days, which I was not able to write about due to an unfortunate late project.

We begin with a short mention to Scaramouche Jones. Great Play! Pete Postlewaithe, you were great, but you'll always be Kobayashi in my heart. We then travel to Sunday night! It was on this night that I finished that dreadful lit project, and began my latest downloading spree. It was also home to my father setting fire to the kitchen. After picking up McDonald's for dinner, because I had to cook dinner, I began to stuff myself with "White" meat chicken McNuggets, Mcdonald's latest attempt to be healthy. I noticed no difference, but now that I think about it. The meat was white, years ago! Ah well, on with the story. I could not eat the remaining two nuggets and Barbecue sauce packet, so I offered them to my father, whom I must constantly feed since he never feeds himself. It sucks to be old. I left the plate on the dishwasher. About an hour later, he goes out to heat them up in the radiation box, and all of a sudden, all I hear is: "That's funny. I've never seen it go up in flames before." To which I ran to the kitchen to find smoke pouring out of the microwave. Somebody forgot to remove the PLASTIC barbecue sauce package. This also did not mix with the paper towels, he put over top of the nuggets. But the real twist of the story, is when my mom got home, I told her all about it. She then went into the garbage to see if he had thrown the melting debris in their, causing more damage. Eventually, we find a ziploc bag containing paper towel ashes, and melted barbecue sauce packets. Where are the nuggets you might ask? I don't know. But I have a bad feeling I know where.
on Dec 12, 2003
Why is it that everybody hates JoeUser? And why do they use it?

on Dec 12, 2003
Why is it that everybody hates JoeUser? And why do they use it?

on Jan 21, 2004
Is there an echo in here, here? People don't hate us. They fear us. To start by thinking you are ranked 1400+ can be intimidating. You go to blog and find you're now in competition and some one is keeping score. It's a shock and can send some away. But I don't find people are hateful. In time, I think a system at least similar to this will be adopted more and more to keep out the losers we don't want to waste time on anyway. I stopped keeping score long ago. Once you habituate to blogging, the column only serves to keep you posted on who has new blogs and where. I could go for a list of 'how-to's' for how to get links, clicks, colors, etc. and such to improve the appearance and allow for individual style. Still it is convenient and the users are overall just averagejoes and joeeses like me so I can tell you I was number 1,000+ just a month and a half ago. What's the big deal with 1,400 or 2? Nothing, and I'm sure some here would tell you that FOR SURE. Look at it as a challenge to build the habit of writing and the rest will take care of itself. As long as my blog isn't censored I can handle all the comments and snideness of any other averagejoe. So can you my friend. See you when you are in the top hundred - in about a week.
on Jan 21, 2004