The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Is There Anybode Out There?
Published on January 11, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Movies & TV & Books
Once the pure evil of kinesiology was over, which went quite well by the way simply because my teacher didn't feel like teaching for the rest of the class, the weekend was my opportunity for...some Steve time. I was also going to take this opportunity to finish all outstanding schoolwork before the weight of exams arrived, and to submit my university application. The former was accomplished. The rest, not so much. I'm considering, moving the intimidating stack of university brochures from the dusty corner of my living room, to the dusty corner of my bedroom, and TV can't be that great tonight. I'm sure I'll find some time to flip through them. I mean, it's only the rest of my life, I'm sure I can fit it in somewhere. As for now, all I wish to do is blog, download, eat and read 2010.

After my stunning presentation, and the week-long battle of preparation endured, I decided that a "clearing-of-mind" was mandatory. Therefore Shane and I seized the opportunity during 3rd period. The plan from the beginning was to “clear my mind,” and then watch “The Wall.” I downloaded the film weeks ago but was determined to watch this movie, only when I was in a certain mood. After Shane told me his colourful tale of watching the movie and freaking out as he walked home, through Leaside. All I remember him saying was that it was night, and that the “shadow people” were after him.

It was only after talking to Mr. Peister in the morning that I realized I would be at school for 4th period. This problem was easily rectified by clearing my mind once again after school. It was at this point that I began to listen to Dark Side of the Moon. Only on the subway, and the mundane, never-changing view of a brightly lit room, speeding through an indistinguishable environment, was my mind truly able to be set free. After 10 minutes of those brilliant lights (they seemed brighter than usual), surrounded by darkness. My mind became fixed upon every minute detail of Dark Side, whether it was the ticking clock and it’s endless efforts, or the voices that spoke out from either ear warning me of people and places I’ll never remember. It was this auditory fixation that caused, though I’m not sure in which order, my entire body to go numb, and a spectacular series of brightly coloured geometric patterns to pass before my eyes, temporarily obscuring my vision. For those who wish to know why people smoke pot, this complete loss of control over the senses, is my reason. Now whether these visualizations were actually conjured from my mind, or if I was just having a flashback to the previous night and the movies I watched, I’m not quite sure. This was my subway ride, perhaps even my BEST SUBWAY RIDE EVER!

By the time I reached home, my mind had returned to the task at hand and I promptly gathered snacks and sat down to watch Bob Geldof. To write a review of something, you must understand it in all it’s intricacies. There will be no review here. The only thing I got out of that movie was that Pink is a rock star and he has a mental breakdown. I’m not sure what the relation is to the Pink dictator, if that’s his stage persona, or if he is schizophrenic. The only theory that I can muster, is that the dictator is the split personality he battles in his mind, but eventually loses as the dictator takes over once he goes into a coma, which I think “comfortably numb” represents, but why does he scream then. The truth I expect lies in the music itself, and I won’t really have a clue until I listen to the music on it’s own, then return to the movie. Like 2001, I refuse to read critics reviews or any kind of synopsis or analysis until I find the meaning myself. After the movie, however, I dismissed all opportunities for a post-cinematic ponder, because I really wanted to see some light sabers, and more importantly, “My master.” But alas, I fell asleep just as soon as Luke

Saturday, after sleeping from 6pm to Noon, I went to work for 12:30, even though I was suppose to be there at 11. It was a nice fun-filled day of eating ham sandwiches, reading 2010 and cleaning curling brooms. Whoopideedo! I then decided to give “The Wall” another shot. After I cleansed my mind on the way home, I gave Pink another shot, but to no avail. More theories, no realizations, and with this morning’s jam-packed 2010 reading session, I can honestly say.

“I have become comfortably confused.”
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