The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
And all it's trappings.
Published on January 21, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
If Joeuser was a haunted house, that column on the right would certainly be a ghost, fucking with your mind every chance it gets. It taunts you with the top articles and users, making you want to be better, more popular. It also reminds you what everyone else thought of your writing. But tonight, it's sending me signals. Insignificant rifts, like a pause in a ratchet sprinkler, that you don't notice until you stop paying attention to them. After posting my Wow comment, I looked over to the right column as always to make sure I didn't submit twice. Below me there was an article named nothing important. I found this contrast a little funny, but was soon distracted by an article titled "Talkin' Bout "Ginas." Is it weird that I knew exactly who posted this? I think so. I kept getting a strange Jacob Marley vibe, or a Dr. Lesh feelin.
on Jan 21, 2004
Ironic isn't it? GCJ
on Jan 21, 2004

seriously though... all you need to do is type the word sex in your title. Or merely make an implication...

You may get a shallacking from the naysayers... but this is all about you.

You be the best you can be.