It's over. All the school work for my regular high school done! And just like how grade 9 began, i made myself sound very pompous on the simplest of subjects. This essay was for Food and Nutrition on Lactose Intolerance, and yet I produced sentences like: "This is the independent variable that regulates how much dairy products a person can consume." and others like "While the conception of lactose intolerance is still not mapped out, there are a few known causes."
Just like fuckin Bill Nye, but no comedy. Well school work, there have been the ups and the downs. I did enjoy doing my old math homework on the crapper, and all those media projects for english were great. I'll never forget the handout on camera angles in "Quiz Show" and why Herbert Stempel's suit had to be brown to symbolize his lack of wealth. Calcalus, you sucked what can I say. I only took you because of "Stand and Deliver." It was all about the "Calcoolus." Senior Physics......I love you! If only you talked less about the momentum of a ball rolling down a hill, and more about gravitational constants, Keplar's constant and the physical and theoretical values of space. Oh man i loved that unit.
Well since I did my last assignment while I listened to this cd 3 times through I guess I'll just have to end this by saying,
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.