The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Words of Wisdom.
Published on February 6, 2004 By xitej In Blogging
JACK moves L-R across crowded Ballroom - CAMERA TRACKS with
him to LLOYD serving behind bar. JACK sits at bar. LLOYD
moves to him.

Hi Lloyd. I've been away. Now I'm

Good evening Mr. Torrance.

LLOYD puts dishes of olives and peanuts on bar before JACK.



It's good to see you.

It's good to be back, Lloyd.

Well it appears that everything's hunky dory again. Now we can get down to the nitty gritty of what's happened since the blackout. ha blackout.....Well not much. I ended up feeling great after I posted that review of TBE. It seemed that once I got that crap off my chest, I felt great. Even went outside and had a snack. Things were excellent in preparation of Survivor. I think I spent my entire night watching Global. I watched Friends, and it was alright. I only laughed when I saw Jennifer Aniston. I couldn't help but see the irony that they're all veterans, and senior citizens in the thursday prime time world, and now they're playing teenagers. Danny Devito was great. For those of you who don't know, that's how Devito ACTUALLY dances in real life. It's sad really, but not as sad as Rudy's departure. Now what am I going to do. Watch the other episodes I guess! Rudy's gone, it makes me sad. Rupert's sad, it makes me sad. I'm no longer attracted to whiny Jenna. That makes me sad. I ended up doing some house cleaning on my Survivor Fantasy team. Rudy's gone, sniffle, so we now have Hatch. I'm a complete moron for not picking him earlier, since one of the bonus point categories is "Gets Naked." Oh what an idiot I am. I also dumped Jenna for Alicia. Alicia seems to be stronger, and also says her team name alot since she's so motivational. I also think Ethan might use Jerri and Rupert to get rid of Jenna, if they go to Tribal next week. They're a feudin, and that's just where he wants them.

The big bonehead who put The Apprentice right after Survivor:All Stars, should be shot. Why? I know that they want to compete with CSI, but how many viewers did you lose last night? How many people want to watch the same premise in two different shows back to back, with the crappier show following? I watched it anyways, cause my boy Nick was leading this week. Damn Nick's good. Picked himself a sweet ass team. Kristi on the other hand was a complete idiot for not picking Bill. Bill is probably the best worker on the guy team, with the exception of Nick. It was great to see Trump fire the goody-two-shoes, but Omarosa just ticks me off. I think my hatred for her, started with her feuding with Ereka. Ereka's just too cute, to not favour. She looks like the little sister (who is much older) that I never had. BAH! BAH I say.
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