It appears that I can't add comments to any of the other blogs. Normally I try to avoid submitting comments, because most of the topics on this site are very politically oriented. I do however find myself with a few comments,and nowhere to post them. Most of them, well all of them, wouldn't really change the world. On
NickyG's Blog, I've had a few comments to make so here they are.
For Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover:
Most mornings I tend to wake up, and all of my thoughts are in song mode. If I think "What cereal?" It sounds melodic, as if Whitney Houston were singing. Does this ever happen to you?
I Hate to Admit it But....:
I agree with how Canada is mimicking American television. I think our greatest disappointment, is Rick Mercer. At one time, he was edgy, provocative, and entertaining, but now he seems to have turned into a lame brain version of Jon Stewart. You can't copy Jon Stewart! I mean, how do you top his theme music. You just can't.
And Finally,
Yeah, So I Don't Have TV, But....:
We should get together to watch Fight Club. Nobody I know can watch the movie with me. I constantly quote the movie as I'm watching it.
For Urban Faery,
Did you know that "Talkin Bout 'Ginas" was one of the "Top Referred Articles" on the weekend? I meant to tell you, but I kept forgetting.
Since I'm commenting on things at the present moment, I'd like to "give a shout out" to Tederick for his "I am Jack's pissed off web designer" title. Not only was it spooky because I had just finished watching Fight Club (again), but it alsomade my mother's snoring less irritable. For a moment, the buzz saw disappeared.