The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Published on February 10, 2004 By Phantom of the Night In Blogging
It appears that I can't add comments to any of the other blogs. Normally I try to avoid submitting comments, because most of the topics on this site are very politically oriented. I do however find myself with a few comments,and nowhere to post them. Most of them, well all of them, wouldn't really change the world. On NickyG's Blog, I've had a few comments to make so here they are.

For Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover:
Most mornings I tend to wake up, and all of my thoughts are in song mode. If I think "What cereal?" It sounds melodic, as if Whitney Houston were singing. Does this ever happen to you?

I Hate to Admit it But....:
I agree with how Canada is mimicking American television. I think our greatest disappointment, is Rick Mercer. At one time, he was edgy, provocative, and entertaining, but now he seems to have turned into a lame brain version of Jon Stewart. You can't copy Jon Stewart! I mean, how do you top his theme music. You just can't.

And Finally,
Yeah, So I Don't Have TV, But....:
We should get together to watch Fight Club. Nobody I know can watch the movie with me. I constantly quote the movie as I'm watching it.

For Urban Faery,
Did you know that "Talkin Bout 'Ginas" was one of the "Top Referred Articles" on the weekend? I meant to tell you, but I kept forgetting.

Since I'm commenting on things at the present moment, I'd like to "give a shout out" to Tederick for his "I am Jack's pissed off web designer" title. Not only was it spooky because I had just finished watching Fight Club (again), but it alsomade my mother's snoring less irritable. For a moment, the buzz saw disappeared.
on Feb 10, 2004
Hey... right on.
In regards to thoughts in Whitney-like song mode, no, it never happens, but sometimes I dream I am Whitney. Maybe that's because I think the best song to sing alone in the car is the Whitney Houston version of 'I Will Always Love You'. For some cracked reason, my local radio station generally plays it every other morning on my way to work. I'm getting rather good at it.

So, you're having troubles posting comments? Well, I'm having trouble accessing the forums list. Generally, if I am in a person's blog and move to the top to go directly to Forums, my bloody computer freezes and I end up having to reboot. Now, my computer is a little on the gray side if you want to go by age, but this has just recently started happening. But, since it only happens while trying this function, I figure that there is some correlation here.
Why isn't there are section for complaints/requests for help/suggestions, etc.? Maybe there is, and I just haven't seen it yet.
Thanks for the post!
Oh yeah, in regards to your smoking hint; how much harder would it be if, everytime you were on the net, even joeuser for that matter, an indicator would go off letting you know when someone was lighting up?
You forgot to mention films! I can't go through a viewing of Reality Bites without wanting a smoke! Do you realize how many times someone sparks one?

on Feb 10, 2004
I had no idea that "talkin' 'bout ginas" was in the top referred rank. meh, they were all probably sorely disappointed!
on Feb 10, 2004
It would probably be very hard with that online indicator. I'm curious, does this exist? Or is this just something you've thought up?

As for films, I tend to be ok. The only times that I crave a smoke during a film are when I see teens smoking, or whenever I watch a James Dean movie. Jimmy Dean's my idol.