I’ve appealed to every Kids in the Hall fan I know, so maybe somebody out there in the internet world can help me with my query. After visiting Tink in Guelph, and watching an In Living Color sketch where Jim (or James) Carrey parodied Vanilla Ice, I decided to download some sketches of my own. Tink watches a lot of SNL, but when I grew up, I watched Kids in the Hall and In Living Color, which brings us to my latest downloading infatuation. During my Communication Breakdown, I also began to download numerous books on tape, ranging from The New Testament, to Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds broadcast, to subliminal recordings, not to mention the endless number of discussions of philosophy or space.
Now, so far I have a fair amount of sketches. I have my favourite Headcrusher KITH sketch, where he encounters the Facepincher, but I still need the one where he finds the “Nobody Home” woman. I’ve got the Fire Marshall Bill sketch that I hold dear, but I don’t have any full episodes of the show. Despite my little finds, I have come up with no results, regarding my two favourite KITH sketches. If anyone knows the titles of these, please post a comment. The people at CBC won’t send me any tapes unless I have a sketch title. I’m looking for the sketch where Kevin Mcdonald plays the “King of Empty Promises,” but this time he’s in prison, and has to break out. He’s the character named Dean who always says “Will Do” and “Slipped My Mind.” The other sketch, which is my favourite due to absolute randomness, is where Bruce McCulloch walks out on stage as if to deliver a monologue, but instead a crappy keyboard techno beat starts playing. Bruce begins to dance and keeps dancing for a minute or two before he stops, poses and says “.......Can ya dig it?” Bruce starts dancing again and it goes on like this for 5 minutes. At one point, another Bruce appears and they dance together, but it ends when Bruce poses, opens his mouth, says nothing, and walks off stage. I must have this sketch, but their monologue titles are so sketchy, it’s been impossible to find. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, help me out. I think that both of those sketches are in the same episode, so if you know please tell me. The title seems to have......