On Saturday night I went with Tink to go see Aussie Floyd at the Hummingbird Centre. Aussie Floyd is a Pink Floyd tribute band. I was listening to Q107 last month, on my way to work, when the disc jockey mentioned the upcoming concert. I've been listening to Q since I was a wee lad, and I knew that the jockey was a big Floyd fan and when he said that "this was the closest thing to Floyd itself," I knew I had to see this concert. I told Tink that my Valentine's Day gift to her, would be to...
I love Pink Floyd! What did you expect?
Blactacular indeed. In my Bone Daddy withdrawl, I have found myself listening to the soundtrack over and over. I’ve found that this kind of music is universal, especially the title track. No matter what you are doing, this music goes to it. Whether I’m look for jive as I enter a subway, or if I’m cutting some bad ass green peppers. It’s got good rhythm, and an amazing bass line. Since I’m a theme whore, “Titles Struttin’” (a must download) will be a long lived favourite along with my Beavis and ...
Ah, as a break from burning vinyl onto CD for Tink, I thought I'd take this time to tell the world that no matter what you say, VINYL WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN CD!!!!!!!!! It is supreme to the world of digital. (excuse me, I'm gonna add a few more exclamation points) !!!!!!!!!!! There that's better. After listening to Can't You Hear Me Knocking straight from a first edition of Sticky Fingers, I realized that if my record player had a name, I would make love to it! I have 6 versions of that song...
After catching up on the American Democratic Election I decided to watch my Rage Against the Machine's Testify video. If you haven't seen it. It is absolutely hilarious, and creepy at the same time. It is at this time of music video talking that I would like to pass on my love of psychadelic eye-candy visuals. For those of you out there who think Neon is the best thing since The Wizard of Floyd, (NOT THE DARK SIDE OF OZ!!!!!! WIZARD IS JUST TOO COOL, TO NOT SAY!) I would highly recommend: Red ...