The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Phantom of the Night's Articles In Movies & TV & Books
April 19, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
I first heard about Garden State when Zach Braff was interviewed on Leno. He was pretty much there to hype Mikey J. Fox's upcoming appearance on Scrubs, but he did mention that he had made a movie based on all the tall tales he had heard as a child. The concept peaked me interest, but from there, I never heard of it again...... Until I saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The trailer was on before the movie. (Saved! was also featured before the movie and that looks good too.) I not...
April 17, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Its been a few months since my last Matrix binge, but like the non-stop Blair Witch cycle, it is time, once again, for a little more Neo in my life. Strangely enough, this desire wasn't ignited with the DVD release of Revolutions , but with my random choice of a CD. Sometimes I just like to choose a CD at random, put it on, and see how long it takes before I guess which CD it is. This one (Reloaded) was a no brainer, since it included the opening credits. I started getting into a Matrix moo...
April 10, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
I was on looking up some friends episodes when I discovered there Online Games tab. I love those little piece of crap games that TV stations, and more importantly, official movie websites, churn out. They have no importance whatsoever which your enjoyment of the show, but for a brief moment, you feel like your closer to that show. I found that they had made a game for "The Apprentice," so I had to play. I beat it in 2 minutes and couldn't believe how boring it was. I was expecting a w...
April 8, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Wow. I didn't think I'd ever actually taste disappointment. Boy was I wrong. Tonight, we say goodbye to my favourite competitor in Survivor: All Stars, Lex Van Der Berghe. Throughout the entire show, I had high hopes that he would stay but after the immunity challenge I finally accepted the fact that whenever I want someone to win, they never do. I had hopes Ethan would stick around because maybe they'd throw him a soccer ball......AXED! Then I was hoping that Jerri and Lex would go far ...
April 5, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
April 5, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
It's That Time Again! On a weird note: Why did this article make me want to post this ?
April 1, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
RUNS HOUSE! Say what. Who’s House? Say what. RUN’S HOUSE!!! Say what.
March 30, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Every since I posted the infamous Al Pacino-Shannon Elizabeth seperation question, I've found myself with a state of "Connector's Block." Normally, this one gives me trouble but I seem to get through it in about 5 or 10 minutes. Last night, however, after 20 minutes of pondering I was left with nothing more than an incomplete Jim Carrey-Eugene Levy link. I had a feeling that Catherine Keener was the key to the link, but I still didn't have all the steps. Tonight, my heachache came to a bri...
March 29, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Mr. Pignon. Mr. Pignon!!! AH HA! AH HA! Now that that's out of the way, (cue the Jo Schmo Tape) I have been recently informed that Fuckin Nick Cage, The Family Man himself, is set to play Ghost Rider. (PLAY) What is going on? I also have found out that there will be a sequel to The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, simpled titled LXG2. L et's e X aggerate for G iggles 2. There will also be "Jurassic Park IV: The Lost Audience." I hear the title is still being reworked. I do want to ...
March 29, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
After posting a comment on the post "Forgot to sign out," which was actually made by Urban Faery (for those of you who didn't quite grasp the title), I've decided to let Joeuser in on a little secret. If you don't quite understand what I say sometimes, don't worry! My best friend of 13 years still doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about at times, and even Urban is sometime lost in some of my back alley references. I love to play the game Six Degrees before I go to bed, but I normally en...
March 15, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
The ruling force of my television continues to be "Match Game" on Game Show Network. Apparently they show all 3 versions of the show, but I really like to watch Match Game P.M. The 90's one sucks because it doesn't have any of the elements that made the originals so great. When you've got Brett Somers, Richard Dawson and the amazing Charles Nelson Reilly, the responses to the simple fill-in-the-blank questions are still funny, decades later. The show is about having the cont...
March 15, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
For 4 months, our special cable was shut off. We never really paid for it. Rogers just let us preview it for a few months, and we decided that all those extra channels just weren't the fees. The only things that I found appealing, were the Game Show Network, and TechTV, which has Electric Playground, (The only show I would wake up to watch on a Sunday) and X-Play (It's funny, and it makes you think...........well, not really but Morgan's hot.). I used to love watching old episodes of Camp Car...
March 15, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Well If I'm diligent about this, it might actually turn into something worthwhile, but most likely, I'll forget about it. This weeks recommended viewing comes from the director behind Memento, which he wrote, and Insomnia, which I both own. The film is called "The Following." Christopher Nolan's first feature film is about a writer, who follows people on the street with hopes that he will find inspiration in their daily activiities. One man, confronts him about his "hobby" an...
March 14, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Are you a psychopath who occasionally watches movies? Do you feel like your life doesn't have enough mindless information? Well, look no further because I, Film Fanatic, have found a way to waste your time, and create a special bond with that very special movie. As I was strolling through the databanks of information at Internet Movie Database, I came across their movie listings arranged by year. I thought nothing of this, but decided to check out what movies came out in my year of b...
March 10, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Last night at work, Bobbe had eTalk daily on the TV. I kept passing by from time to time, waiting for jeopardy to come on, so I could take a break. At one point, Johnny Depp came on and was talking about how shocked he was with the success of POTC, and how he was amazed that everyone liked Jack Sparrow so much. Right after, eTalk said "What are Johnny's thoughts about portraying the king of candy?" I froze. How could anyone try to outdo Gene Wilder? He was the master of chocolatey mayhem. Depp...