The mindless rantings of a filmaholic.
Phantom of the Night's Articles » Page 11
January 22, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
When i say we forgot, I actually meant we were busy. And when I say we, I mean me.Well wait no more, it is time. Bone Daddy and the Fourth Reich is a blaxploitation film, interspersed with many, sometimes subtle, references, to the world of Matthew Brown, the director, writer, producer, actor, and omnipotent overseer. Released through IBP, Infinetely Brown Productions, it is the latest film that I have become obsessed about. The Wall is crumbling, and a giant afro is emerging from the rubble....
January 21, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
High School is Over. Not another class.
January 21, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
It's over. All the school work for my regular high school done! And just like how grade 9 began, i made myself sound very pompous on the simplest of subjects. This essay was for Food and Nutrition on Lactose Intolerance, and yet I produced sentences like: "This is the independent variable that regulates how much dairy products a person can consume." and others like "While the conception of lactose intolerance is still not mapped out, there are a few known causes." Just like fu...
January 21, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
If Joeuser was a haunted house, that column on the right would certainly be a ghost, fucking with your mind every chance it gets. It taunts you with the top articles and users, making you want to be better, more popular. It also reminds you what everyone else thought of your writing. But tonight, it's sending me signals. Insignificant rifts, like a pause in a ratchet sprinkler, that you don't notice until you stop paying attention to them. After posting my Wow comment, I looked over to the right...
January 21, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
After running a search on google for an episode guide for Spiderman TAS, I was absolutely shocked to find my blog site the number one reference. This happened mainly because I wrote a long query. I eventually found the guide, but the main point is......there are actually people out there who can find me. That's both exciting, and slightly unnerving. Does that mean there might actually be people reading this?
January 19, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Friday night was one of the best nights of my life. There was nothing good on TV. I didn’t eat a fancy meal or meet anyone famous. All I had was Tink! So many lyrics to express that night. SO many movie quotes to say what I was feeling! It was a blur, but I remember everything. My memory seems to have a 70's television glow around that night. Every light sparkled, as if I was wearing a pair of those special paper fireworks glasses. The olives in her father’s olive-juiced spaghetti, seemed to be...
January 19, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
While talking about Thursday night, I completely forgot to mention the true revelation of Thursday night. While talking to Pat, the newest member to the Leaside Curling team (New Jon came in two months before him to make the ice.), I discovered exactly what seniority means at my work.Seniority has nothing to do with getting paid more, or having a higher ranking profession. Seniority is the power to change the past, just like Big Brother. (Run Winston Run!) When Pat or the senior bartenders ask m...
January 19, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
If I’m going to write in this blog, I really should do it on a regular basis. All I’m doing is making it choppy, and I hate choppy things. Choppy movies, that song “Chopping Broccoli” from SNL, Chopped chicken liver! None of it’s good, and neither is this, so I’ve decided to stop best as I can. To make this blog better I’m also trying to figure out this HTML crap .I have a feeling that my need for linking is going to develop into some Scary Jeopardy Madman linkage. So far, I’ve found o...
January 14, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
My new apparent goal is not only to spread the knowledge of thousands of worlds, millions of civilizations and many secrets, always with but one goal above all else to survive, (Spiderman "The Alien Costume" series was so unbelievably good. Brought back so many childhood memories.) but to also claim victory against all other joeuser bloggers by getting my name......on the first page of "Top Users." I will have my day. And it will be glorious! Funny, everytime i go to say glorious in my head,...
January 14, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Tink, it seems Friday will never come. The weekend appears to be getting farther and farther away, and I am slowly losing my mind. It's never the same, everything's different. Something's missing. I miss cutlery, and I seem to ache all over. (But that might be linked to something else.) I am just a new boy, a stranger to this town. Where are all the good times? Who's gonna show this stranger around? I guess it doesn't matter how long it takes, just as long as you get back real quick. ...
January 13, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Now that the application has been submitted i can sit back and let fate take its course. I hope to God I get into an out of town university and then I can get out of this house. Why oh why am I still here? Is it just me or do Timothy Dalton and Jason Isaacs have a striking resemblance?
January 13, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
I think that's gonna piss off alot of desperate guys, so let's say Humour, Knowledge of target's hobbies and spanish fly. All I really wanna know is, Does anyone know where I can get some Bill Nye? I don't really feel like paying the $1,382 the schools have to. I also want to know whether the people of the world,, think it is a good idea for me to wait and try to keep my promise of not buying a dvd player until the matrix trilogy came out in a box set, or to just give up and em...
January 13, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
YES OH YES OH YES!!!!! I'M BACK IN! Phew!!!!!! Last night, I decided to look at some of the other blogs on joeuser, but I was doomed from the first click. Apparently, you can’t see your own site in the listings. I’m very competitive in nature, as Tink will surely vouch, and I want to know where I am in the standings. So I decided to log out, look it up and log back in. What I didn’t realize, was that all this time my computer has been logging in automatically for me since it saved my passwor...
January 13, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
After battling with JoeUser last night for 2 teeth-grinding hours, trying to post a link to my little joke, (which lost all of it’s spontaneity and excitement after 10 minutes of watching that damn “barber shop” upload meter spin around and around), I found solace in frowning at my monitor, and flippin’ the bird right before I shut her down. Today, it was obvious she just needed a nap. I’ve almost downloaded “The Alien Costume Part 1", completing the 3-part episode of Spiderman TAS, that I’ve be...
January 12, 2004 by Phantom of the Night
Well as a nice little midnight treat before bed, I find myself careening through the Corridors of Tederick, and not only do I find the brand spanking new-film, “Growth,” but I am blessed to see “Reynolds Style” back in action. Not since the 4 days that followed my last viewing of “Mallrats, ” have I heard “Reynolds Style.” Could this be the start of something big? I hope, as I sit here, “Waiting. Waiting.” Come on, we’re in the 4 day post-film reflection time. I couldn’t help but throw a Wal...