Well, everyone is pretty much officially back. I finally got to see Adam, and we went out to play pool. When we were at the pool hall we saw Shane and his friend Adam. It was sort of like Shane and I decided that this was "Play pool with an Adam night." I got to play a little sniper scope 2 at Coronations, which was a lot crappier than the original. We went back to his place, and watched Driven. We both knew it was crap, but Adam's house has an excellent surround sound system, so we figu...
Yesterday was one sweet ass day. I went to work down at the U of T, unloading costumes for my mom. I spent the entire day, walking around with Frou Frou's "Let Go" dancing through my thoughts. The new space that the costumes have moved into, is so much nicer. It isn't 1000 degrees, and you dont have to climb a huge flight of stairs to find what you want. The props rooms are going to look great, and the building is closer to the theatre than the old one. I met a nice girl while I was sorting c...
12 hours of almost uninterrupted sleep. Hot Diggity! I went to bed last night at 4:30am and got out of bed today at 4:20pm. How fitting. My body is still in a constant state of satisfaction, and my head feels so clear. Sinus wise, and mentality wise. I also won't have to worry about being hungry, because before I went to bed, I stuffed myself to a point of acceptable misery. Now I drink pineapple juice and catch up on blogs while listening to Psycho Killer and Schnitzelbank. Vas dat a long...
Well, last night I went to see the play, which turned out to be Picasso au lapin agile(?) by Steve Martin, and it was absolutely excellent. Good mindmessing play. I got home eventually and watched my Survivor, and decided to watch a bit of The Apprentice because there was nothing on. I watched a bit of it, but decided to stop so that Tink and I could watch it together when she got back. Yet, I had this ominous feeling that I was going to find out who won, the next day. I woke up this morning ...
Tonight I am going to the theatre with Shane. We've decided to go see the school play, and make a few pick-ups throughout our journey. This will be the first time that I set foot inside Leaside since I finished school. The closest that I've come to the school since my departure was driving down Eglinton, and passing the north driveway. I'll probably see a bunch of people I don't care about, but hopefully there will be the odd happy point. Maybe I'll see Kevin or Duane. It will be nice to see ...
Throughout our lives, we get these desires to be in more than one place at once, or we wish that teleporting wasn't left to the phonetically challenged. Tonight was one of those nights. I would have settled for wings, Hagrid's motorcycle, it would have been orgasmic to be Neo, or if I just had a damn helicopter, I would be happy. If you're reading this, hoping to find some sort of religious or biblical enlightment, I would stop reading. This is the "male," promised land. Imagine your girlfrie...
I took the personality disorder test, and found out I'm just a potpourri of crazy! Disorder Rating Paranoid : High Schizoid : Moderate Schizotypal : High Antisocial : High Borderline : Low Histrionic : High Narcissistic : Moderate Avoidant : Moderate Dependent : High Obsessive-Compulsive : High -- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! -- PAT 4VR!
So how was your Easter? Mine was a rollercoaster of emotions. Friday, my friend Adam was supposed to call me and to do something on Friday, so I endured the constant yelling in my house, mostly because of the boring Masters, for my chance to get free at night. It turns out he couldn't go out, so i was disappointed, but decided to go out for a drive to just get out of the house. I decided to rent a movie, and ended up renting "The Game," which I haven't seen in a long time, and was looking...
Well, today was one of the worst nights in a while. The day was great because I spent most of the day driving around the city. The shit hit the fan though, when I had to pick up my mom. I had to wait 20 minutes for her, and as we pulled out of the parking garage, I was delighted to find out that we had a flat tire. I then had to drive through bumper to bumper traffic all the way home. I was also seriously pissed off to see a guy make an illegal right hand turn, RIGHT IN FRONT OF A COP!!!!!! a...
After posting the layout of my brain, I was very unhappy. I am a very visual person. I need to express myself through colors and variety, with a subtle shade of meticulous organization. My bedroom is the greatest way to express this fact. As a few of you might know, I revamped parts of my room last month as part of my "Finished High School" cleansing. Before I went after the walls, or finished the ceiling, I decided to snap a few photos of what would never be. Sort of like a 50 First Dates, "...
Today, my mom took off work so that we could work through our taxes, in order to get the right financial information that I need for my bursary applications. I'd tell you about those bursary applications, but oh wait. They were lost. I went through and filled out all of my appropriate files, and found out that my return will only be a measly 45 bucks. Thank you union dues. Im looking forward to my end of year payback, where my union must send me all of the cash I forked over to them throug...
Last night at around 1am, I spent 25 minutes writing a stream of concious article. It was about how crappy my day was, and also included some of my opinions on what was happening in my city. I submitted the article only to be shown a "504 Gateway Timeout." I figured Joeuser was acting up again. It's happened to me so many times, that I decided to just go back to my article, copy it and then submit it later. But Fuck no. I go back and I get a "Site does not exist." page. Not only do I lose 3 p...
Is it true that you all have lives and therefore, have to sleep at night? I look over at the Recent JoeUser Articles and see that 5 out of the 10 articles are mine!!!! Are there no other people who can't fall asleep and decide to whine into the nothingness of the web? Is this why no one gives me any feedback on any of my articles? They are washed out with the morning blog rush? I always thought that the Internet never slept. It was an ever changing, constantly upgrading world where the dr...
I just noticed that Urban Faery and I, occupy site numbers: 23 and 24. She is on top, and I'm on the bottom. Maybe we'll switch positions later on this week, but with the response to her articles that she gets, I hardly see how this will happen. Maybe we will just "Bump and Grind" our way to the top together.
Last weekend I went to Guelph for Tink's formal. I'm not one to turn down a party, especially one where I get to spend the night with Tink. I spent Thursday night putting together a small movie for Tink, which I inevitably lost after my computer crashed (WHEN WILL I EVER LEARN TO SAVE!?!?!?), and left all of my packing until Friday morning. I ended up sleeping in past my alarm and showering and packing within a 20 minute timeframe. I almost forgot to pack my fancy shoes, but was able to grab ...